is intended to measure the effect of consumer satisfaction on brand
Research instrument is a questionnaire. Consumer satisfaction is
measured using
product attributes, service-related attributes, and attributes
associated with
the purchase. Brand loyalty is measured through behavioral habits,
cost, satisfaction, liking to the brand and commitment. The analysis was
using the concept of correlation and regression. The results revealed
consumer satisfaction significantly affect brand loyalty.
Key Words: satisfaction,
loyalty, consumer behavior
Modern society is characterized by high working activity and the opportunity to be able to work for anyone who has the competence without discrimination. These activities have an impact on the ba-nyaknya career working women or spend time outdoors, so that difficulties in performing activities as a housewife including the supply of food for the family. Family group with enough economy tend to choose foods outside the restaurant, besides taste delicious too much once offered a large menu and a nice atmosphere.
In line with the increase in customers, the restaurateur also have risen sharply. Even a common phenomenon since the crisis hit Indonesia is mushrooming restaurants, either permanent or in a tent. Increased consumer may not even comparable to the increase in the number and types of restaurants.
Modern society is characterized by high working activity and the opportunity to be able to work for anyone who has the competence without discrimination. These activities have an impact on the ba-nyaknya career working women or spend time outdoors, so that difficulties in performing activities as a housewife including the supply of food for the family. Family group with enough economy tend to choose foods outside the restaurant, besides taste delicious too much once offered a large menu and a nice atmosphere.
In line with the increase in customers, the restaurateur also have risen sharply. Even a common phenomenon since the crisis hit Indonesia is mushrooming restaurants, either permanent or in a tent. Increased consumer may not even comparable to the increase in the number and types of restaurants.
These conditions require the
restaurateur to think about
strategies to get and retain customers (Dekimpe et al, 1997; Chan et al,
Keep customers in touch with customer satisfaction. Kotler (2000) mentions satisfaction is feeling happy or disappointed someone who comes from the comparison between the impression of the performance (results) of a product with expectations. The dissatisfaction is a kind of step comparison between the results of the evaluation experience, can produce something that is comfortable spiritually, not just convenient because imagined or are supposed to. Satisfied or dissatisfied rupakan not his emotions but rather something the evaluation of emotions.
Research on consumers' satisfaction become a central topic in the world of market research and developing rapidly. The concept of thinking that will lead to greater customer satisfaction profit is that satisfied customers would be willing to pay more for the "product" is received and will be more tolerant of price increases. This course will improve its margins and customer loyalty to the company. Satisfied consumers will buy the "product" being sold by another company, as well as a "marketer" Effective Word of mouth through the air-a positive tone (Ganesh et al, 2000).
This can help increase your sales and credibility of the company, but keep in mind that in fact increase market share is not for her as evidenced by increased customer satisfaction, and even in many cases or cases that is precisely kebali it, the greater the market share a corporation instead consumers satisfaction decreases. Increased market share, at least to a certain extent, it can achieve economies of scale (usually companies achieve the most optimal titk). As a result, the company can provide "relatively cheap" on consumers who became one of the factors of satisfaction: but on the other hand, the increased number of consumers or the expansion segments can lead to tu-runnya justified, service quality rikan. This concept is crucial for companies engaged in the services sector.
Customer satisfaction can also generate customer loyalty. Loya-litas consumers can generally be defined as loyalty to a person on a product, either goods or services. Consumer loyalty is a manifestation and continuation of customer satisfaction in using the facilities and services provided by the company, as well as to remain a customer of the company too call. Loyalty is evidence that consumers always be consumers, who have the power and the company's positive attitude.
Consumer loyalty to a particular brand of product or service depends on several factors, namely the size of the desire to move to a brand of goods or services of another, to the same time the quality, or the quality of service of this type of substitute goods or services, the risk of changes in costs due to substitute goods or services, and air change that level of satisfaction derived from the brand new compared to the previous experience of the brand ever used.
Consumers in meeting the needs and desires, will buy the product with the brand. If the selected brand that consumers can satisfy their needs and desires, then the consumer will have a memory that in the brand. In these circumstances the consumer loyalty will begin to emerge and flourish.
Keep customers in touch with customer satisfaction. Kotler (2000) mentions satisfaction is feeling happy or disappointed someone who comes from the comparison between the impression of the performance (results) of a product with expectations. The dissatisfaction is a kind of step comparison between the results of the evaluation experience, can produce something that is comfortable spiritually, not just convenient because imagined or are supposed to. Satisfied or dissatisfied rupakan not his emotions but rather something the evaluation of emotions.
Research on consumers' satisfaction become a central topic in the world of market research and developing rapidly. The concept of thinking that will lead to greater customer satisfaction profit is that satisfied customers would be willing to pay more for the "product" is received and will be more tolerant of price increases. This course will improve its margins and customer loyalty to the company. Satisfied consumers will buy the "product" being sold by another company, as well as a "marketer" Effective Word of mouth through the air-a positive tone (Ganesh et al, 2000).
This can help increase your sales and credibility of the company, but keep in mind that in fact increase market share is not for her as evidenced by increased customer satisfaction, and even in many cases or cases that is precisely kebali it, the greater the market share a corporation instead consumers satisfaction decreases. Increased market share, at least to a certain extent, it can achieve economies of scale (usually companies achieve the most optimal titk). As a result, the company can provide "relatively cheap" on consumers who became one of the factors of satisfaction: but on the other hand, the increased number of consumers or the expansion segments can lead to tu-runnya justified, service quality rikan. This concept is crucial for companies engaged in the services sector.
Customer satisfaction can also generate customer loyalty. Loya-litas consumers can generally be defined as loyalty to a person on a product, either goods or services. Consumer loyalty is a manifestation and continuation of customer satisfaction in using the facilities and services provided by the company, as well as to remain a customer of the company too call. Loyalty is evidence that consumers always be consumers, who have the power and the company's positive attitude.
Consumer loyalty to a particular brand of product or service depends on several factors, namely the size of the desire to move to a brand of goods or services of another, to the same time the quality, or the quality of service of this type of substitute goods or services, the risk of changes in costs due to substitute goods or services, and air change that level of satisfaction derived from the brand new compared to the previous experience of the brand ever used.
Consumers in meeting the needs and desires, will buy the product with the brand. If the selected brand that consumers can satisfy their needs and desires, then the consumer will have a memory that in the brand. In these circumstances the consumer loyalty will begin to emerge and flourish.
in a subsequent purchase,
consumers will choose the product with the brand
that has given him satisfaction,
resulting in a repetitive purchase
of the brand.
Type of research is descriptive and conclusive research, which aims to describe the attributes of customer satisfaction and loyalty to the brand, then dica-ri causal relationship between consumer satisfaction with loyalty to the brand.
Variables Research and Development
The research variables are customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. The attributes of customer satisfaction universally by Dutka (1994) is the product attributes, attributes that are associated with the service, and the attributes associated with the purchase. Product attributes include price-value relationships, product quality, product benefits, product characteristics, product design, consistency and reliability, and a long-kauan products / services.
The price-value relationship is a central factor in determining consumer decision-asan. If the value gleaned beyond what consumers paid on-yar, it is an important basis for decision-asan consumers have been created. Product quality is the rating of the quality of a product. The benefits of a product that can benefit the consumer in using a product produced by a company and then can be used as the basis of positioning that differentiates the company from other companies.
Product characteristics are certain traits possessed by a product that is different from the products offered by competitors. Product design is a process to design the style and function of exciting and worthwhile. Reliability and consistency of the product is the accuracy and reliability of the products produced by the peru-sahaan a period of time and demonstrate delivery of the product at a particular performance level. The range of products / services is a kind of product / service la-ministry offered by the company.
Attributes related services include assurance or warranty, delivery, handling complaints, and problem resolution. Guarantees given by the company for the product can be returned if the performance of the product is unsatisfactory. Penghan the plains is the speed and accuracy of the process of delivering products and services that the company provides to the con-sumennya. Consumers of complaint handling should be done with the response by the management company. Completion trouble is serious and the company's ability to solve the problems faced by consumers.
Attributes associated with the purchase include courtesy, concern, consideration, friendliness of the employee in serving customers; communication, which is the process of pe-nyampaian information by employees of the company to its customers; easy to obtain knowledge about the product of peru- sahaan; reputation of the company to influence the views of the consumers of the company that will reduce uncertainty and risk in purchasing decisions, and the ability of a company to realize a request made by the consumer in providing services.
According Tjiptono (1997), a technique for the measurement of customer satisfaction measurement can be used directly with a question or a statement about how much expecting certain attributes of how much perceived.
The research variables are customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. The attributes of customer satisfaction universally by Dutka (1994) is the product attributes, attributes that are associated with the service, and the attributes associated with the purchase. Product attributes include price-value relationships, product quality, product benefits, product characteristics, product design, consistency and reliability, and a long-kauan products / services.
The price-value relationship is a central factor in determining consumer decision-asan. If the value gleaned beyond what consumers paid on-yar, it is an important basis for decision-asan consumers have been created. Product quality is the rating of the quality of a product. The benefits of a product that can benefit the consumer in using a product produced by a company and then can be used as the basis of positioning that differentiates the company from other companies.
Product characteristics are certain traits possessed by a product that is different from the products offered by competitors. Product design is a process to design the style and function of exciting and worthwhile. Reliability and consistency of the product is the accuracy and reliability of the products produced by the peru-sahaan a period of time and demonstrate delivery of the product at a particular performance level. The range of products / services is a kind of product / service la-ministry offered by the company.
Attributes related services include assurance or warranty, delivery, handling complaints, and problem resolution. Guarantees given by the company for the product can be returned if the performance of the product is unsatisfactory. Penghan the plains is the speed and accuracy of the process of delivering products and services that the company provides to the con-sumennya. Consumers of complaint handling should be done with the response by the management company. Completion trouble is serious and the company's ability to solve the problems faced by consumers.
Attributes associated with the purchase include courtesy, concern, consideration, friendliness of the employee in serving customers; communication, which is the process of pe-nyampaian information by employees of the company to its customers; easy to obtain knowledge about the product of peru- sahaan; reputation of the company to influence the views of the consumers of the company that will reduce uncertainty and risk in purchasing decisions, and the ability of a company to realize a request made by the consumer in providing services.
According Tjiptono (1997), a technique for the measurement of customer satisfaction measurement can be used directly with a question or a statement about how much expecting certain attributes of how much perceived.
Respondents assess the correspondence
between what
yangdiharapkan and what is obtained from the service of the company.
Loyalty is
measured against his brand through the wisdom of behavioral despair,
costs, satisfaction, and commitment.
Population, Sample and Questionnaire Development
This study population is the whole restaurant consumers who live in Depok. Questionnaires distributed to visitors of one fast food restaurant located at Jalan Margonda Kingdom Depok. Random selection of respondents and the amount is determined based on the concept of moderation. Questionnaires were developed based on the attributes of decision-asan consumer and customer loyalty in the form of closed questions. Scale is a measurement performed Likert scale (measured in a 5 point scale from 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree.
Population, Sample and Questionnaire Development
This study population is the whole restaurant consumers who live in Depok. Questionnaires distributed to visitors of one fast food restaurant located at Jalan Margonda Kingdom Depok. Random selection of respondents and the amount is determined based on the concept of moderation. Questionnaires were developed based on the attributes of decision-asan consumer and customer loyalty in the form of closed questions. Scale is a measurement performed Likert scale (measured in a 5 point scale from 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree.
Description Customer Satisfaction
The questionnaire distributed to 100 respondents succeeded in one of the restaurants. Indicators of consumer satisfaction consists of price, quality, reliability, security, the speed, willingness, ability, keso-storage services, delivery, ease, reputa-si, and demand. Brand loyalty was measured using behavioral attributes of regular switching cost, likes me rek, and commitment. Test models of the effect of customer satisfaction on brand loyalty can be seen in Table 1. Significant test of 0000. Significance value is much smaller in comparison real level test (α) 0.05 and even 0.01. These results indicate that the model influence customer satisfaction with loyalty to them is acceptable.
The coefficient of determination (R2) a large 52.03%, which means the ability of the consumer decision-asan in explaining ape-Gaman of brand loyalty in the model by 52.03%. This contribution is quite large. Other factors, in addition to customer satisfaction can influence brand loyalty by 47.97%.
Output of multiple regression analysis in order to see the effect of customer satisfaction on brand loyalty can be seen in Table 2. Va-independent riabel are consumers of satisfaction, which consists of product attributes (X1), the attributes associated with the service of (X2), and the attributes associated with the purchase (X3). The dependent variable is the loyalty to the brand (Y).
Tabel 1. Analisis Ragam Sumber
Jumlah kuadrat
Kuadrat tengah
Tabel 2. Data Model Regresi
dan Uji
Koefisien Regresi Model
Koefisien tdk standar B
Koefisien standar Beta
coefficient for 0207 product attributes, the attributes associated with
service of 0263, and the attributes associated with the purchase of
Regression model the effect of customer satisfaction on brand loyalty
Equation (1).
Attributes associated with the service affects brand loyalty is significantly and positively. Each of the Rev a 1 unit attributes are associated with the service, can increase brand loyalty for 0263. Management thus per-lu watch service reliability, ja-dominant service delivery, speed of service, willingness to answer questions and complaints, the ability to serve well, courtesy of employees, and the pe-nyampaian infromasi order, convenience, and reputation.
Y = .733 + .207 X1 + .263 X2 + .265 X3 (1)
Attributes associated with purchasing influence brand loyalty is also positive and significant. Any increase atriut associated with the purchase of the 91 units, will increase brand loyalty for 0265. These results are consistent with previous theory (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990; Reichheld, 1993; Sheth and Parvatiyar, 1995; Bearden and Teel, 1983; LaBarbera and Mazursky, 1983; Kasper, 1988; Bloemer and Lemmink, 1992, Cronin and Taylor, 1992 ; Fornell, 1992; Oliva, et al, 1992; Anderson and Sullivan, 1993; Bloemer and Kasper, 1993, 1995; Boulding, et al, 1993; Oliver, 1999).
Constant values for 0733, meaning that every unit increase in other factors (other than customer satisfaction) will increase their loyalty towards for 0733. The increase in other factors, such as business performance (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990; Reichheld, 1993; Sheth and Parvatiyar, 1995), switching costs (Bearden and Teel, 1983; LaBarbera and Mazursky, 1983; Kasper, 1988; Bloemer and Lemmink, 1992; Cronin and Taylor, 1992; Fornell, 1992; Oliva, Oliver, MacMillan, 1992, Anderson and Sullivan, 1993; Bloemer and Kasper, 1993, 1995; Boulding, Kalra, Staelin, Zeithaml, 1993; Oliver, 1999).
Regression coefficient for 0207 product attributes, meaning loyal unit increase in use within the management bias do on these attributes, brand loyalty will increase by 0207. These results are consistent with previous studies showing the effect of quality on brand loyalty (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990; Reichheld, 1993; Sheth and Parvatiyar, 1995; Bearden and Teel, 1983; LaBarbera and Mazursky, 1983; Kasper, 1988; Bloemer and Lemmink , 1992; Cronin and Taylor, 1992; Fornell, 1992; Oliva, et al., 1992, Anderson and Sullivan, 1993; Bloemer and Kasper, 1993, 1995; Boulding, et al, 1993; Oliver, 1999).
Brand loyalty is formed through a process of learning, which is a process by which consumers through his experiences trying to find the most appropriate brand for him, in the sense of the product of the brand can give satisfaction to the expectations and needs. Consumers are continuously trying different brands before finding a brand that really fits. Customer satisfaction will remain a very important part in brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is usually me ngakibatkan repeat purchases and purchase recommendation. If consumers are satisfied with the performance of a brand that will continue to buy the brand, using it even tells the other people of the advantages these brand consumers of experience in using the brand.
Attributes associated with the service affects brand loyalty is significantly and positively. Each of the Rev a 1 unit attributes are associated with the service, can increase brand loyalty for 0263. Management thus per-lu watch service reliability, ja-dominant service delivery, speed of service, willingness to answer questions and complaints, the ability to serve well, courtesy of employees, and the pe-nyampaian infromasi order, convenience, and reputation.
Y = .733 + .207 X1 + .263 X2 + .265 X3 (1)
Attributes associated with purchasing influence brand loyalty is also positive and significant. Any increase atriut associated with the purchase of the 91 units, will increase brand loyalty for 0265. These results are consistent with previous theory (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990; Reichheld, 1993; Sheth and Parvatiyar, 1995; Bearden and Teel, 1983; LaBarbera and Mazursky, 1983; Kasper, 1988; Bloemer and Lemmink, 1992, Cronin and Taylor, 1992 ; Fornell, 1992; Oliva, et al, 1992; Anderson and Sullivan, 1993; Bloemer and Kasper, 1993, 1995; Boulding, et al, 1993; Oliver, 1999).
Constant values for 0733, meaning that every unit increase in other factors (other than customer satisfaction) will increase their loyalty towards for 0733. The increase in other factors, such as business performance (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990; Reichheld, 1993; Sheth and Parvatiyar, 1995), switching costs (Bearden and Teel, 1983; LaBarbera and Mazursky, 1983; Kasper, 1988; Bloemer and Lemmink, 1992; Cronin and Taylor, 1992; Fornell, 1992; Oliva, Oliver, MacMillan, 1992, Anderson and Sullivan, 1993; Bloemer and Kasper, 1993, 1995; Boulding, Kalra, Staelin, Zeithaml, 1993; Oliver, 1999).
Regression coefficient for 0207 product attributes, meaning loyal unit increase in use within the management bias do on these attributes, brand loyalty will increase by 0207. These results are consistent with previous studies showing the effect of quality on brand loyalty (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990; Reichheld, 1993; Sheth and Parvatiyar, 1995; Bearden and Teel, 1983; LaBarbera and Mazursky, 1983; Kasper, 1988; Bloemer and Lemmink , 1992; Cronin and Taylor, 1992; Fornell, 1992; Oliva, et al., 1992, Anderson and Sullivan, 1993; Bloemer and Kasper, 1993, 1995; Boulding, et al, 1993; Oliver, 1999).
Brand loyalty is formed through a process of learning, which is a process by which consumers through his experiences trying to find the most appropriate brand for him, in the sense of the product of the brand can give satisfaction to the expectations and needs. Consumers are continuously trying different brands before finding a brand that really fits. Customer satisfaction will remain a very important part in brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is usually me ngakibatkan repeat purchases and purchase recommendation. If consumers are satisfied with the performance of a brand that will continue to buy the brand, using it even tells the other people of the advantages these brand consumers of experience in using the brand.
consumers are
satisfied with a certain
brand and often buy
the product, it can be said
the level of brand loyalty
is high, otherwise if
are not too satisfied with a
particular brand and tend
to buy branded products with varying the
level of brand loyalty
against lower. Satisfaction
of consumers needs to
maintained and improved in order
to create and maintain brand loyalty. When consumers get satisfaction
from the buyer for
a product then it will create
positive attitude toward the
brand so that consumers
will make a purchase.
Loyalty can be achieved in two stages, the company must have the ability to give satisfaction to the customers so that customers have a positive experience, then re-prioritized the purchase prior sale. Second, peru-sahaan must have a way to maintain relationships with customers further by doing a forced loyalty strategies for customers to make purchases again (Kotler 2001).
Loyalty can be achieved in two stages, the company must have the ability to give satisfaction to the customers so that customers have a positive experience, then re-prioritized the purchase prior sale. Second, peru-sahaan must have a way to maintain relationships with customers further by doing a forced loyalty strategies for customers to make purchases again (Kotler 2001).
The results of this study conclude that: (1) satisfaction of consumers of the product described by attributes, the attributes of the service, and with the purchase attributes berhubugnan to affect brand loyalty is strong, (2) customer satisfaction for some attributes still have variations high grading, and (3) there is the influence of the significant positive association between customer satisfaction with loyalty to the brand.
The results of this study conclude that: (1) satisfaction of consumers of the product described by attributes, the attributes of the service, and with the purchase attributes berhubugnan to affect brand loyalty is strong, (2) customer satisfaction for some attributes still have variations high grading, and (3) there is the influence of the significant positive association between customer satisfaction with loyalty to the brand.
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society is characterized by
high working activity
and the
opportunity to be able
to work for anyone who
has the competence without discrimination. These
have an impact on the ba-nyaknya career
working women or spend
time outdoors, so that
difficulties in performing
activities as a housewife
including the supply of
food for the family.
Family group with enough
economy tend to choose foods
outside the restaurant,
besides taste delicious
too much once
offered a large menu and a nice atmosphere.
In line with the increase in customers, the restaurateur also have risen sharply. Even a common phenomenon since the crisis hit Indonesia is mushrooming restaurants, either permanent or in a tent. Increased consumer may not even comparable to the increase in the number and types of restaurants.
In line with the increase in customers, the restaurateur also have risen sharply. Even a common phenomenon since the crisis hit Indonesia is mushrooming restaurants, either permanent or in a tent. Increased consumer may not even comparable to the increase in the number and types of restaurants.
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